Tuesday, April 29, 2008
1:39 PM
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Groovy Recipes: Greasing the Wheels of Java
2008 - 254 Pages - PDF - 2.85 MBEach recipe in Groovy Recipes begins with a concise code example for a quick start, followed by in-depth explanation in plain English. These recipes will get you to-to-speed in a Groovy environment quickly.
You'll see how to speed up nearly every aspect of the development process using Groovy. Groovy makes mundane file management tasks like copying and renaming files trivial. Reading and writing XML has never been easier with XmlParsers and XmlBuilders. Breathe new life into Arrays, Maps, and Lists with a number of convenience methods. But Groovy does more than just ease traditional Java development: it brings modern programming features to the Java platform like closures, duck-typing, and metaprogramming.
As an added bonus, this book also covers Grails. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can have a first-class web application up and running from ground zero. Grails includes everything you need in a single zip file⎯a web server (Jetty), a database (HSQLDB), Spring, Hibernate, even a Groovy version of Ant called GANT. We cover everything from getting a basic website in place to advanced features that take you beyond HTML into the world of Web Services: REST, JSON, Atom, Podcasting, and much much more.
1:01 PM
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Ultimatte AdvantEdge v1.6.2
Size: 18.58 MBUltimatte AdvantEdge offers the very best compositing plugin for Final Cut Pro, Shake, After Effects, Photoshop, Combustion, Premiere Pro, Digital Fusion, eyeon Vision, eyeon Rotation, Avid Symphony, Media Composer, Media Composer Adrenaline, Xpress, Xpress Pro, Xpress DV, DS, DS Nitris, and other editing software.
Now you can combine multiple frame images in just minutes on a Windows, Macintosh or SGI workstation.
Fine hair detail, water, shadows, smoke, glass and reflections, even blurred edges -all composited flawlessly and automatically with Ultimatte!
Ultimatte plug-ins offer an unparalleled method of combining multi-frame images to produce a composited sequence of images. They allow you to achieve realistic looking composited scenes with the same Academy-Award winning technology that has made Ultimatte world-famous.
Features :
Platform protection
AdvantEdge users get twice the flexibility because it comes ready to go to work on Windows NT/2000/XP, Mac OS 9/OS X, and Red Hat Linux for the one low price.
Stylish user interface with automated controls
The user interface has been designed to automate the control settings by easily sampling different parts of the image or matte with a simple eyedropper cursor. Once a sample has been taken the software automatically sets multiple controls to find the best adjustment.
Fully-linear mask
Eliminates hard edges -- fine detail, blurred images, transparencies and shadows visible in the foreground image will all reproduce in the final composite.
Video Correction
AdvantEdge is the worlds first matte generation tool with video correction filtering (VCF) for the 4:1:1, 4:2:0, and even 4:2:2 digital video formats. VCF restores the lost color information in compressed video formats and greatly reduces the blocky artifacts found in most blue/greenscreen composites using DV footage.

Advanced Spill Suppression and Clean Up controls
Automatically removes discoloration of foreground subjects caused by light reflecting from the blue or green stage. Removing excessive backing color spill from the foreground subject has been automated by sampling the contaminated area with the eyedropper cursor and watching AdvantEdge wash away the spill. Also Matte Clean Up now has individual controls for softening and shrinking the matte.
Roto Screen Correction
A revolutionary method for making poorly shot footage usable by automatically creating an articulate roto-mask to isolate the foreground without the tedious and labor intensive work of traditional rotoscoping.
Smart Matte Sizing
A totally new approach to computing the matte density without allowing the matte to become over dense. Over dense mattes are the most common mistake made in creating traveling mattes. With Smart Matte Sizing it is virtually impossible to over dense the matte.
Color Conformance
Matches the look of the foreground to the background for absolute realism.
External matte
Allows overlaying an externally-generated mask to "extend" the blue or green screen so that wide-angle and long shots can be composited even though they overshoot the screen.
Compatible hosts (Windows NT/2K/XP)
- Adobe Photoshop 5.5 and later
- Adobe After Effects 5.0 and later
- Adobe Premiere 6.0 and later
- Apple Shake 2.46 and later
- Avid (AVX v1.5)
- Boris RED
- Discreet Combustion 1.2 and later
- Eyeon Digital Fusion 3.12 and later
- Avid DS 6.0
- Media 100 844X
- Incite Editor 3.0 and later
11:49 AM
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10:29 AM
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Hazel v2.1.5 (Mac OS)
Size: 1.57 MB Create rules to automatically keep your files organizedHazel watches whatever folders you tell it to, automatically organizing your files according to the rules you create. It features a rule interface similar to that of Apple Mail so you should feel right at home. Have Hazel move files around based on name, date, type, what site/email address it came from (Safari and Mail only) and much more. Automatically put your music in your Music folder, movies in Movies. Keep your downloads off the desktop and put them where they are supposed to be.

More than just filing
Hazel can open, archive, set color labels and add Spotlight comments. In addition, you can have Hazel rename your files or sort them into subfolders based on name, date or whatever combination of attributes you choose. With Hazel's rule-based engine, you can create powerful workflows to automatically organize and process your files.
App Sweep
When you throw away applications, they can leave behind support files that never get cleaned up. With Hazel's App Sweep, Hazel will detect when you throw applications away, search for its support files and offer to throw those away as well. Uninstalling applications is integrated with your Trash so you don't even have to think about it.

iLife Support
Hazel features new actions to import your files into iPhoto or iTunes. Keep your media in line. Add to your library or to a specific playlist or photo album.
Spotlight Integration
Improved Spotlight integration allows you to use any Spotlight attribute in your rules. Filter files based on Spotlight attributes or use them in conjunction with the new renaming and sorting actions. Sort your photos by aperture or shutter speed or rename your music files with artist, album and year. Make your metadata work for you.

Hazel cleans as well
Hazel has options to clean out those pesky unneeded files that clutter your folders, getting rid of incomplete and duplicate downloads for you. And, of course, you can set up whatever rules you want to automatically throw files away.
Never take out the trash again
You can have Hazel manage your Trash. Select from different options to keep your Trash in check. And for extra security, Hazel can also shred files like Finder's "Secure Empty Trash" option.
Extend, Customize, Integrate
Hazel's rules can trigger Automator workflows, AppleScripts and shell scripts. Hazel will run whatever you throw at it, making it easy for you to integrate into your workflow.

Work undisturbed
Hazel works quietly in the background allowing you to focus on your real tasks. Just set up your rules via a System Preferences pane and let Hazel do its job. Hazel tries not to hog up resources. You won't notice it's there but you'll notice when it's gone.
System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or 10.5 (Leopard).
Safari, Camino, Firefox or Flock.
Spotlight must be enabled.
Hazel is a Universal binary so it will run on PowerPC and Intel Macs.
10:18 AM
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How to Do Everything with YouTube
2008 - 210 Pages - PDF - 4.57 MBCreate, post, and promote your own videos on the world's most popular online service! How to Do Everything with YouTube explains how to shoot and edit videos, insert titles and captions, add special effects, and upload content. You'll learn how to set up a YouTube channel and integrate YouTube videos into your websites and blogs. You'll also discover the success secrets behind YouTube celebrities and breakout videos. Share your unique video creations with millions of viewers with help from this easy-to-follow guide.
Navigate the YouTube interface, play videos, and set up an account
Shoot professional-quality videos with a camcorder, Web cam, or camera phone
Get the lighting right and add sound and special effects
Create a short film, vlog, or video mashup
Edit your videos with Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, and Remixer
Add audio tracks with AudioSwap
Optimize your videos and upload them to YouTube
Join the YouTube community, create playlists, subscribe to channels, and participate in groups
Customize your YouTube channel
Promote your videos to a huge audience
10:08 AM
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PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites
2008 - 641 Pages - PDF - 10.58 MBIt hasn't taken Web developers long to discover that when it comes to creating dynamic, database-driven Web sites, MySQL and PHP provide a winning open source combination. Add this book to the mix, and there's no limit to the powerful, interactive Web sites that developers can create. With step-by-step instructions, complete scripts, and expert tips to guide readers, veteran author and database designer Larry Ullman gets right down to business: After grounding readers with separate discussions of first the scripting language (PHP) and then the database program (MySQL), he goes on to cover security, sessions and cookies, and using additional Web tools, with several sections devoted to creating sample applications.
This guide is indispensable for intermediate- to advanced level Web designers who want to replace their static sites with something dynamic. In this edition, the bulk of the new material covers the latest versions of both technologies: PHP 6 (due out in 2008) and MySQL 5 (available now). The book's publication date is likely to beat the official release of PHP 6, making it one of the first books available on the subject.
9:59 AM
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CafeSuite 3.47e
Size: 12.19 MBCafeSuite is a powerful cyber cafe management software package that can help you with controlling your computers, managing customers, accounting and billing.
The package constsists of two applications:
main program installed at the operator desk. It's used to control the workstations.
Client software
small program installed on all workstations.
Unlike many other programs, CafeSuite is robust, quick and secure. It doesn't matter how big is your internet cafe — CafeSuite is capable of controlling any number of workstations. It is designed to be a great help for all cafe owners, operators and customers.
The basic task of our software is to provide operators and customers with an accurate timing and billing information at any time. The software generates various reports and statistics, which give detailed information about your internet cafe business.
All transactions and actions are recorded into the database and can be reported to the owner. Reports may also be delivered by e-mail.
CafeSuite features
easy cafe software, internet cafe software download, net cafe software, starting cyber cafe
CafeSuite provides many levels of security, ensuring that your business is always under control.
Workstation lock
Unused workstations can be securely locked so that no one can use them without proper authorization from the operator.
Operator profiles
You can create many profiles for your employees with different access rights. Not every one should be able to change crucial options or pricing schemes — CafeSuite makes it possible.
Encrypted data files
All databases used by CafeSuite are encrypted which ensures they can't be tampered with by unouthorized individuals.
It's possible to create backups of data files automatically evey given period of time. Your data will be secure even when your system crashes.
Ease of use
Although our software has many advanced features it's still very easy to use, both for operators and customers. The user interface is clean and feels very natural even to begginers. The integrated help system will guide you in case of any problems.
Customer accounts
CafeSuite makes it really easy to manage large database of customer accounts. You can create different types of accounts for your customers — time accounts, cash accounts, debt accounts and unlimited accounts. You can assign beneficial charging rates to customer accounts to reward devoted customers.
Customers will be able to log on by themselves using their account ID and password. It's also possible to create smart, magnetic or barcode cards for your customers, so that a simple scan of their card will log them on.
CafeSuite provides unique graphical workstation reservation system. Simply select a time period on the workstation chart to create the reservation.
In case of a very big traffic, you'll appreciate the Waiting queue function, allowing you to manage the waiting list.
Reports and statistics
Our software provides you with a range of reports and statistics summarizing your business performance. Starting with very general reports, you can even get a list of all operations performed by your employees minute by minute.
Flexible charging rates
Real strength of CafeSuite lies in the flexible charging rates system. You can configure many schemes of pricing, including periodical discounts.
You can assign different charging rates to computer groups, beneficial pricing can be used with customer accounts. You can even create traffic discounts that adjust prices depending on the number of free computers in your cafe.
Support for external devices
You can use barcode scanner, magnetic card or smartcard reader to logon users with accounts and sell products. CafeSuite also supports receipt printers for printing receipts and account tickets.
Integration with CyberPrinter
Our software integrates with CyberPrinter allowing you to keep control over your printers. Once a customer prints some pages, CafeSuite will notify the operator about that and calculate the charge automatically.
Easy on resources
Even though CafeSuite is feature packed as no other software package, it's very easy on your system resources. Thanks to efficient programming schemes and great design it runs without problems even on older hardware. This fact eliminates the need for costly hardware upgrades, which saves your money! See the CafeSuite system requirements page to find out if it will run in your system.
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CafeSuite consists of the following modules:
* Shop module
* Reservations module
* System policies module
* System protection module
* POS printer module
* Magnetic card reader module
* Smart card reader module
* Barcode reader module
* Printing control module
3:40 AM
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JavaScript For Dummies, 4th Edition
2005 - 387 Pages - PDF - 7.04 MBResponding to reader feedback, the author has thoroughly revamped the book with more step-by-step coverage of JavaScript basics, an exclusive focus on Internet Explorer, and many complete sample scripts Updated to cover JavaScript 1.5, the latest release of this popular Web scripting language Using lots of examples, including a sample working Web site, the book shows how to create dynamic and interactive pages, build entire sites, and automate pages.
3:30 AM
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Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller, 3rd Edition
2008 - 1293 Pages - PDF - 8.95 MBTap into the latest advancements in PIC technology with the fully revamped Third Edition of McGraw-Hill's Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Long known as the subject's definitive text, this indispensable volume comes packed with more than 600 illustrations, and provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller's hardware and software schemes.
With 100 experiments, projects, and libraries, you get a firm grasp of PICs, how they work, and the ins-and-outs of their most dynamic applications. Written by renowned technology guru Myke Predko, this updated edition features a streamlined, more accessible format, and delivers:
Concentration on the three major PIC families, to help you fully understand the synergy between the Assembly, BASIC, and C programming languages
Coverage of the latest program development tools
A refresher in electronics and programming, as well as reference material, to minimize the searching you will have to do
Monday, April 28, 2008
3:44 PM
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Firewalls for Dummies
2003 - 434 Pagse - PDF - 6.92 MBWhat an amazing world we live in! Almost anything you can imagine can be researched, compared, admired, studied, and in many cases, bought, with the click of a mouse. The Internet has changed our lives, putting a world of opportunity before us. Unfortunately, it has also put a world of opportunity into the hands of those whose motives are less than honorable. A firewall, a piece of software or hardware that erects a barrier between your computer and those who might like to invade it, is one solution.
If you've been using the Internet for any length of time, you've probably received some unsavory and unsolicited e-mail. If you run a business, you may be worried about the security of your data and your customers' privacy. At home, you want to protect your personal information from identity thieves and other shady characters.
"Firewalls For Dummies(R)" will give you the lowdown on firewalls, then guide you through choosing, installing, and configuring one for your personal or bus iness network. "Firewalls For Dummies(R)" helps you understand what firewalls are, how they operate on different types of networks, what they can and can't do, and how to pick a good one (it's easier than identifying that perfect melon in the supermarket.) You'll find out about Developing security policies Establishing rules for simple protocols Detecting and responding to system intrusions Setting up firewalls for SOHO or personal use Creating demilitarized zones Using Windows or Linux as a firewall Configuring ZoneAlarm, BlackICE, and Norton personal firewalls Installing and using ISA server and FireWall-1 With the handy tips and hints this book provides, you'll find that firewalls are nothing tofear - that is, unless you're a cyber-crook! You'll soon be able to keep your data safer, protect your family's privacy, and probably sleep better, too.
3:37 PM
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Are You Good Enough
15 Ways to Build a Confident Mindset
2006- 202 Pages - PDF - 0.85 MB
Contents:1 Are you hungry for love?
2 Are you good enough?
3 Is your emotional bank balance in the red?
4 Who are the bullies in your life?
5 Who are you pruning back to promote healthy growth?
6 Have you lost your bearings?
7 Are you heading north-east?
8 Who are your role models?
9 Who are you parenting?
10 How are you coping with change?
11 What do your words say about you?
12 How are you at solving problems?
13 Are you acting ‘as if’?
14 Does your mind work for you?
15 Good enough!
10:13 AM
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9:51 AM
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R-Studio 4.2 Build 125098
Size: 5.63 MBR-Studio is a family of powerful and cost-effective undelete and data recovery software. Empowered by the new unique data recovery technologies, it is the most comprehensive data recovery solution for recovery files from FAT12/16/32, NTFS, NTFS5 (created or updated by Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista), HFS/HFS+ (Macintosh), Little and Big Endian variants of UFS1/UFS2 (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris) and Ext2FS/Ext3FS (Linux) partitions. It functions on local and network disks, even if such partitions are formatted, damaged or deleted. Flexible parameter settings give you absolute control over data recovery.
R-Studio utilities recover files:
:: Deleted without Recycle Bin, or when Recycle Bin has been emptied;
:: Removed by virus attack or power failure;
:: After the partition with the files was reformatted, even for different file system;
:: When the partition structure on a hard disk was changed or damaged. In this case, R-Studio utilities can scan the hard disk trying to find previously existed partitions and recover files from found partitions.
:: From hard disk with bad sectors. R-Studio Data Recovery Software can first copy the entire disk or its part into an image file and then process such image file. This is especially useful when new bad sectors are constantly appearing on the hard disk, and remaining information must be immediately saved.
R-Studio Data Recovery Features :
:: Standard "Windows Explorer" ::style interface.
:: Host OS: Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista.
:: Data recovery over the Network. Files can be recovered on network computers running Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, Macintosh, Linux and UNIX.
:: Supported file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32,NTFS, NTFS5 (created or updated by Win2000/XP/2003/Vista), HFS/HFS+ (Macintosh), Little and Big Endian variants of UFS1/UFS2 (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris) and Ext2FS/Ext3FS (Linux).
:: Recognition and parsing Dynamic (Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista), Basic(MBR) and BSD (UNIX) partitions layout schema and Apple partition map. Dynamic partitions over GPT are supported as well as dynamic partitions over MBR.
:: Damaged RAID recovery. If OS cannot recognize your RAID, you can create a virtual RAID from its components. Such virtual RAID can be processed like a real one.
:: Creates IMAGE FILES for an entire Hard Disk, Partition or its part. Such image files can be compressed and split into several files to put it on CD/DVD/Flash or FAT16/FAT32. Then the image files can be processed like regular disks.
Data recovery on damaged or deleted partitions, encrypted files (NTFS 5), alternative data streams (NTFS, NTFS 5).
::Recovering data if:
* FDISK or other disk utilities have been run;
* VIRUS has invaded; FAT is damaged; MBR is destroyed.
:: Recognizes localized names.
:: Recovered files can be saved on any (including network) disks accessible by the host operating system.
::File or disk content can be viewed and edited with the advanced hexadecimal editor. The editor supports NTFS file attribute editing.
New R-Studio features in version 4.0:
:: HFS and HFS+ file systems support. In addition to FAT/NTFS/ExtFS2/ExtFS3/UFS1/UFS2 R-Studio supports HFS and HFS+ file systems developed by Apple Computer for use on computers running Mac OS.
* R-Studio can not be installed under Mac OS, but a hard drive with HFS and/or HFS+ partitions can be attached to Windows machine and processed by R-Studio.
:: Apple Computers support. New R-Studio Emergency version can be run from CD on Intel-based Macintosh computers.
:: Big Endian variant of UFS support.
:: GPT partition layout schema support. This schema is used in 64-bit Windows OS.
:: APM support. Apple Partition Map (APM) is a partition scheme used to define the low-level organization of data on disks formatted for use with Macintosh computers.
:: R-Studio Technician Portable was added to R-Studio Technician package. The portable version can be run from a USB storage device.
:: Compressed image format support. When R-Studio creates an image of the disk or its part, the image can be compressed and split into several files to put it on CD/DVD/Flash Drive or FAT16/FAT32.
* R-Studio reads and opens the created image only for the purpose of data recovery. For disk imaging and restoration tasks please consider R-Drive Image software.
9:36 AM
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8:42 AM
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Portable Easy Plan Pro 1.1.2
Size: 3.20 MBWant to build your dream house? Add a room to your home? Whatever your drawing needs, use Easy Plan Pro to draw fast straightforward plans.
It is so easy to learn how to use, you can begin drawing plans within minutes.
Since it is easy to use, you save tons of time. On-line help answers your questions in seconds.
Features :
You can use the mouse, the keyboard, or a combination of both to build the plan.
A full array of graphic drawing tools is provided, all you will ever need.
A host of pre-drawn figures are included to represent furniture, fixtures, windows, doors and so forth. Just click and position the one you need.
Save elements you have drawn for later use, even in other plans.
Export plans to DXF files or common bitmap formats.
Complete instructions are provided at every step; you simply can't go wrong.
And There's More!
A host of printing options are available. For example, a specific scale can be selected. Or your plan can be automatically fitted to the largest paper size available.
Free updates can be automatically downloaded and installed with a click on a button; you will always have the latest enhancements at your finger tips.
You will have a lot of fun with this exceptional program. But don't take our word for it. Download it now and see for yourself!
8:08 AM
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Portable Color Pilot 4.80.01
Size: 3.62 MBColor Pilot is specifically designed for natural and easy color correction of digital camera or scanned images.
An image can be improved by simply selecting a color to be changed, and then selecting a reference color (from the same or a different image) to correct it.
Color Pilot is easily mastered (selfshow technology) and it will soon have you flying through your dull digital images and turning them into splendid splashes of color.
7:53 AM
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VanDerLee Master Bundle Collection 2008 For Photoshop
Size: 5.45 MBThe Bundle plug-ins offer a level of freedom and ease-of-use not often found elsewhere, all with the best possible quality. It is our goal to hand you the tools you can't do without. VanDerLee products are used by professionals and amateurs in many fields, from photography to scrap book to artistic projects. Many of our plug-ins incorporate years of input from professionals in the field and end-user feedback and comments.
Make any type of halftone dither you can think of. Use custom shapes, twist and turn dot layout. All with top quality.
Make any image look old, worn and torn. Add dust, stains, hair and scratches. Use vignette, apply defocus, set film type.
Over 100 graphics tools and effects. Mix them together, change them at any time. All from a single Photoshop plug-in.
Now you can, with the Camouflage plug-in! Use the Camouflage plug-in to make army, fashion and animal camo. You can even make patterns not found anywhere else.
You can control up to eight color layers. We've included a big set of examples, which you can select from within the plug-in. Amongst them are real army colors, both old and new. Many common fashion colors are also included as well as a few animal colors.
The patterns the Camouflage plug-in makes don't have any seams. This means you can use them as textures. You can use the patterns for 3D models or as a background for web sites. They can even be used as a pattern for clothing. The patterns are seamless at any image size.
You can scale the pattern to fit your needs. The shape of the patterns can be changed to look the way you want. You can save your settings and share them with the rest of the world.
Harmonic FeaturesConfigure up to 10 harmonic frequencies.
Base frequency fine-tuning.
Automatic normalization of result wave.
Reliable preview.
Fully calculated.
Fully documented in help system.
Save and load settings.
Supports 8-bit RGB mode.
NightVision Features
Anti-aliassed and sub-pixel accurate interlacing.
Unique "Feedback" effect.
Reliable preview.
High precision calculations.
Fully documented in help system.
Save and load settings.
Supports 8-bit and 16-bit RGB, grayscale and Duotone color modes.
The plug-ins in this bundle work with most applications compatible with PhotoShop plug-ins for Windows.
6:38 AM
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Joomla Template Maker
Size: 22.39 MB "Who Else Wants An Easy Way To Create Their Joomla Templates WITHOUT All The Hassle?"Here's a Complete Solution and you, DON'T need any HTML or PHP experience.
What comes with the package?
You receive the following:
* Complete Windows Application
* “How to” Movie
* Documentation Package
Quite Simply it takes your graphic images and creates a complete template zip file ready to load into Joomla. It does what it says quickly and cleanly. Technically - It creates a 100% width ‘autostretch’ 3 column layout. The layout is 3 seperate 100% tables ’stacked’ vertically-the top table is for the header area, the middle table is for the Joomla left, center and right columns, and the bottom table is for the footer area. Additionally, the middle table will contain a 3 column 100% nested table. In addition we create the valid XML file and CSS descriptors all ready to run.
I was totally amazed when I first started using Joomla. For what was a BRILLIANT Content Management System, it seems to me so complex when it came to designing the Templates. Arcane instructions left me bewildered. I really didn't know which way to turn.
I began by 'buying in' ready made templates and trying to convert them. But there was something missing. Trying to embed my own graphics was a nightmare. What I needed was a simple way to take my own graphic headers etc and create a Joomla Template Package ready to rock 'n roll.
Sure there were plenty of Dreamweaver Add-On's but I need something that would run directly from Windows - a kind of simple Q+A - Fill in the Blanks and Go.
And so ..... I got it made and I'm passing on the benefits to you.
Template Creation without even a sniff of Dreamweaver or any other HTML Editor.
* Stand-Alone Windows Program
* Creates Complete Zip Template package ready to upload
* Includes creation of valid XML file - You need to add NOTHING.
6:20 AM
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
2:26 PM
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Portable Space Strike 1.02
Size: 15.68 MBSpace Strike is an action-heavy shoot-em-all space arcade that challenges players to destroy the onslaught of aliens before they wreak havoc on humankind. The game takes players to the year of 2307. It is 50 years since the humans learned to enhance the environment of planets and 15 years since they have started to colonize the Moon. A few hours ago the radars detected a hostile presence within an unexplored area. This is where you step in.
Assuming the role of a spaceship pilot, you must unleash the fury of an awesome high-tech arsenal that includes impulse guns, quantum lasers, heat-seeking missiles, and much more in order to survive and blast away at alien invaders. You must destroy the alien spacecrafts, tanks, ground facilities and avoid enemy fire by maneuvering out of sticky situations.
As usual, you begin the game weak and ill-equipped, but over time collect high-tech weaponry and upgrades. While taking on 20 challenging missions across 5 environments, you’ll face many alien types. They range from alien fighter jets to flying insect-like vehicles to ground artillery, tanks and two super powerful bosses. And this is just a taste of what’s to come as you explore the game!
The combat action is intense, and you won’t even have time to pay attention to the visuals, but Space Strike is one gorgeous game, from the laser shoot-outs and explosions when another alien fighter is down to the stunning special effects when battling giant bosses.
Game features:
20 challenging missions
5 different landscape types
Extraordinarily addictive game play
Original soundtrack and powerful sound effects
Divo Rating system allowing players to share high-scores all over the world
100% pure ACTION!
2:19 PM
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Digital Video for Dummies
2003 - 410 Pages - PDF - 11.76 MBDigital media sales represent a growing market in consumer technology; in previous editions, this book has been the top-selling reference for digital video beginners Fully revised and completely focused on consumer digital video users and editors who have little to no experience with the equipment Walks readers through the basics of selecting equipment, installing software and hardware, shooting good video, getting files into a PC, editing, and outputting to the Internet, videotape, or a DVD.
2:10 PM
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Portable Cradle of Persia 1.08
Size: 24.94 MBPersepolis - the mysterious heart of Ancient Persia. The original capital of the Achaemenid Empire was adored with luxurious metals, gems and stone carvings that were set to impress peasants and visiting nobles alike. But its exotic gardens and impressive architecture that once filled this place have long since vanished in the passing sands. Soon you will seek out the riddles of these ruins as you travel through the land of a thousand and one nights. To do this you will need skill and a keen wit, but the result-if you survive-will unlock a mystery never before seen by man, here in the Cradle of Persia.
Game features:
Build over 20 masterpieces of Ancient Persia!
Travel through 7 historical epochs. Collect supplies to unlock the wonders of Perselopis!
8 original bonuses, including Hourglasses, Magic Wands and Dynamite!
Build and conquer your way through over 100 levels to free the genie from Aladdin's lamp!
Fun and challenging puzzles. Become Caliph of Persia!
Unique and truly addictive gameplay!
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
1:49 PM
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CSS Web Design for Dummies
2005 - 385 Pages - PDF - 9.42 MBCascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a Web markup standard that allows Web designers to define the appearance and position of a Web page using special dynamic effects This book is the perfect beginner reference, showing those new to CSS how to design Web pages and implement numerous useful CSS effects available Seasoned For Dummies author Richard Mansfield explains how CSS can streamline and speed up Web development Explains how to take control of the many elements in a Web page, integrate CSS into new or existing sites, choose the best coding techniques, and execute advanced visual effects such as transitions U Features a special discussion on browser incompatibility issues involving CSS and how to solve potential problems.
1:28 PM
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Portable Dream Match Tennis Pro v2.08
Size: 57.50 MBDream Match Tennis is the most realistic 3D tennis game.
You can play REAL tennis at your home computer.
Control the ball and win the match!
1:16 PM
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Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows
2005 - 705 Pages - CHM - 9.55 MBFans of Upgrading and Repairing PCs, your call has been answered. Scott Mueller, author of the best-selling Upgrading and Repairing PCs, is now bringing you an equally in-depth guide to Windows troubleshooting. Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows explains how Windows works and how to fix it when things go wrong.
This comprehensive resource includes information on:
Managing security
Optimizing performance
Recovering data
Configuring settings and the registry
Protecting Windows from viruses and spyware
12:02 PM
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Better JPEG
Edit JPEG photos without losing quality
Size: 1.62 MBThe JPEG image format is inherently lossy. Because of this, each edit and subsequent recompression of JPEG images in general purpose image editors, such as Adobe Photoshop, results in a progressive degradation of image quality.
Fortunately there is, in most cases, a way to avoid this unnecessary recompression. If you just need to quickly process a group of JPEG photos from your latest vacation - rotate, crop, remove red-eye, imprint date or comments - you do not need to compromise on image quality. Better JPEG is a batch JPEG editor that can do all of this without loss of image quality.

Main Program Features:
Lossless Transformations - Rotation, Flip
Lossless Crop (free, fixed aspect, fixed size, predefined and user-defined aspects and sizes), composition guidelines (diagonals, golden mean, rule of thirds)
Lossless Canvas Enlargement
11:39 AM
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8:52 AM
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Portrait Professional Max v6.3.5 Retail
Size: 12.60 MBPortrait Professional is new intelligent portrait airbrushing software that has been 'trained' in human beauty. It lets you improve your photos instantly, just by moving sliders.
With Portrait Professional, it's incredibly easy and fast to:
* Subtly reshape all or any aspect of the face to make it more attractive
* Fix skin blemishes such as spots or pimples
* Reduce and/or remove wrinkles
* Remove grease, sweat or unsightly shine highlights from the skin
* Adjust the lighting on the face to make it more flattering
* Remove red eye
* Whiten teeth and eyes

6:56 AM
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6:51 AM
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6:40 AM
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6:36 AM
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6:10 AM
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Saturday, April 26, 2008
2:23 PM
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PhotoWiz Plugin for Photoshop (Mac OS X)
Size: 13.00 MBPhotoWiz is a series of professional plugins for correcting, enhancing, restoring and editing photos. These plugins set a new standard for photo correction tools as far as effectiveness and usability are concerned. With the help of these plugins beginners will be capable of achieving effects that only experts were able to produce in the past.
12:22 PM
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11:25 AM
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WinZip 11.2
Without Google Toolbar and google Desktop
Only 6.12 MBWinZip® 11.2 is an update to our most recent major release, WinZip 11.0. In addition to the features introduced in WinZip 11.1 and WinZip 11.0 (outlined below), WinZip 11.2 changes include:
Unicode support to ensure international characters are displayed for filenames in a Zip file when the Zip file is shared between two computers having different code pages (the default set of text characters available for display.) For Unicode support, the Zip file must be created and opened with a zip utility that supports the Unicode extensions to the Zip file format such as WinZip 11.2
Integrated support for LHA to create, open and extract LHA archives (.LHA and .LZH). This eliminates the need for a third-party DOS program Removal of support for DOS-based, third-party programs such as ARJ and ARC Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
8:52 AM
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Portable Picture Collage Maker
Size: 18.15 MBPicture Collage Maker is a pictues and photos collage software that you can use to create cool photo collage with your digital pictures and photos. Creating stunning picture collage has never been easier! Just select your photos and drop them in this tool, add a custom mask, choose from over 10 templates, save as jpg file set wallpaper and make wallpaper slideshow.
You can choose from a variety of template layouts or create your own design from scratch, apply image frames, masks, drop shadows and other effects. The images can be cropped and resized to fit, and freely arranged within the collage. The program supports drag and drop image placements, resizing and multiple layers of images and clipart decorations. The result can be saved as new JPG image and/or set as desktop wallpaper.
7:46 AM
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7:35 AM
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CuteFTP 8.2.0 Build 04.06.2008.1 Pro
Size: 9.15 MBCuteFTP Professional is an award-winning FTP Client for securely and reliably transferring files over industry standard protocols including FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS and SSH. It's the right choice when you want the ultimate in power, performance and security.
What makes Cute FTP Professional the best choice?
• CuteFTP Professional provides easy-to-use yet powerful tools for tackling the complex challenges of data management and helps achieve HIPAA, GLBA and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
• Security
• Secure Shell (SSH)
• OpenPGP encryption and decryption
• One Time Password authentication protocol
• Password Manager
• Automation
• Schedule fast, fully-automated transfers
• Safely backup or synchronize your sites
• Easily monitor local folders for changes
• Create labor and time saving scripts and macros
• Create Podcast RSS feeds and manage audio files
• Simplicity
• Connect to new sites in a snap with step-by-step wizards
• Painlessly edit remote documents with its built-in editor
• Drag and drop files for easy transfers
• View thumbnails of remote images
• Speed
• Dramatically accelerate file transfers
• Securely work with multiple remote sites at one time
• Effortlessly perform up to 100 concurrent transfers
5:50 AM
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5:44 AM
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5:14 AM
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KitchenDraw 5.0
Size: 11.12 MBIt's now possible to move around in real time in a KitchenDraw scene thanks to the Walkthrough facility. You enter the Walkthrough view mode running the "View Walkthrough" command. You can control the position and the orientation of the observer in the scene with the direction key pad (arrows) and the "Page up" and "Page down" keys.
The "Top arrow" key allows the observer to go forward and the "Bottom arrow" key allows to go backward.
The "Left arrow" key rotates the observer toward the left while the "Right arrow" key rotates the observer toward the right.
The "Page up" key rotates the observer upward and the "Page down" key rotates the observer downward. If the Ctrl key is pressed, the rotations functions turn to move functions.
The Walkthrough facility is based upon OpenGL and takes benefit from the 3D hardware acceleration provided by modern graphic cards.

Improved dimensions
A dynamic and automatic dimensioning facility like the one already existing in KD4.5 for elevation views has been developed for plan views.
In addition to increase the ease of use, this new feature allows to produce better looking floor plans.
Furthermore, it's now possible to place angular dimensions as well as radius dimensions. This is particularly useful to establish special worktops plans to the manufacturers.
Zoom and pan of the current view
It's now possible to zoom in or to zoom out using the mouse wheel.
The "interest point " of the zoom is the position of the mouse cursor.
Rolling the wheel toward yourself carries out a zoom in operation and reciprocally.
The function is available in all view modes except the Walkthrough mode.
In KD5.0, it's also possible to move (pan) the current view for example to centre it. To do that, just press the mouse wheel (or the mouse centre button), move the mouse till the view is located where you want, and finally release the wheel (or the mouse centre button).
Size and precision of the scenes
The scenes format has been changed with KitchenDraw version 5. Now, the numerical values are 32 bits long.
Actually that means it's now possible to plan huge scenes with a much better accuracy.
As an example, it would be possible to plan a scene having a 200 kilometres side with a precision of a tenth of a millimetre.
In order to take advantage of this new possibility, new measurement units have been introduced:
:: mm (1 mm) : the dimensions are given in millimetres with a precision of 1 millimetre (without any decimal)
:: mm (1,0 mm) : the dimensions are given in millimetres with a precision of a tenth of a millimetre (one decimal)
:: mm (1,00 mm) : the dimensions are given in millimetres with a precision of a hundredth of a millimetre (two decimals)
:: cm (1,0 cm) : the dimensions are given in centimetres with a precision of 1 millimetre (one decimal)
:: If you use metric measurements, we now advise that you use the mm (1,0 mm) measurement unit.
Circle arcs in shapes
In KitchenDraw 5.0, circles arcs are not transformed into a sequence of linear segments but they keep their circle arc identity.
This is particularly important when it becomes necessary to send technical plans to the manufacturers (special worktops, etc.) because this allows an automatic integration into the production process.
It's possible to export special worktops plans (worktops inside shape) as .DXF files and to join them to the supplier order file sent by email.